Never Do This to Your Hardwood Flooring and Prolong Their Life

People are always looking into what to do to hardwood flooring in order ti maintain their aesthetic and value. What people fail to analyze though is that knowing what not to do can be more important and influential. Whether it is avoiding certain cleaning products or tools, there are many things one can’t do to hardwood floors. Today we will discuss all that you need to know

Your hardwood flooring can be affected by little things you might be doing. To make your wood floors look their best, avoid the following:

1. Never utilize harsh chemicals when cleaning hardwood floors. Though many people incite the use of dishwashing detergents and all-purpose powder cleaners, do not do it. To clean hardwood, try dusting agents or wax.

2. Never use hard casters on the furniture that is on your hardwood floors as this maximizes the amount of times that your hardwood flooring will require of recoating or even refinishing.

3. Never utilize steam mops on your hardwood. The use of water on hardwood should be minimum to none as water can be absorbed and cause for an uneven look on your flooring.

4. Never pour cleaning products directly onto the floor. Liquid puddles are hardwood floors worse enemy.

5. Never skip out on a refinish. Refinish your floors periodically. Whenever you spot dull areas in your hardwood floors, do not overlook it.

6. Never wait for your hardwood floors to wear out or you will need to invest a lot more in restoring the floor. Plan on recoating and refinishing based on the amount of traffic your hardwood floors receive

7. Never drag heavy furniture around

8. If you have pets, trim their nails and clean up any pet stains immediately.

Never Do This to Your Hardwood Flooring and Prolong Their Life

When it comes to the maintenance of your hardwood flooring, Escalera Brothers Remodeling is the experts you can trust.

(610) 291-1411