Dark Wood Floors: Some Advantages and Disadvantages

When deciding on the tone of your wood floor, you need to think about the style and color of your furniture, foot traffic of the room, floor care, and the size and brightness of the room. Today, we will focus on the pros and cons of choosing dark wood floors for your home.

Benefits of Dark Wood Floors

Classic Look

There is no question about the beauty of dark wood floors. These are eye-catching for both designers and homeowners. For instance, they can create a classic and elegant look and match well with neutral or light-colored walls. Also, it helps to create an amazing contrast with your cabinets, stairs, and baseboards. In simple words, you can transform a normal room into a cozy area by complementing your dark wood floors with a warm color palette.

Darker Equals Harder

One of the best benefits of dark wood floors is that they tend to be harder than light wood floors. Thus, by choosing it, you can have peace of mind, knowing that it will stand the impact of shoes and furniture. If you hire experts to install this tone of wooden floors, you will have the benefits of a hard yet beautiful floor finishing.

Less Prone to Fade

The reason is simple. All dark wood floors absorb the light which make them less vulnerable to fading. This in simple words means that you will have to refinish them less often than light wood floors.

Disadvantages of Dark Wood Floors

Cleaning and Scratches

One of the downsides of dark wood floors is that it is a little hard to keep them spotless. Dust and dirt are more visible on them. Perhaps, you must keep in mind this if you have children or pets playing around your house. In addition, scratches are more visible on this type of floor. Luckily, you can reduce this by applying scratch-proof finish to the floor and taking care of them every day.

Here at Escaleras Brothers Remodeling, we offer the best installation of wooden floors. We are also experts in marble, ceramic tile, laminate, and vinyl floors installation. Get in contact with us, so you can invest in the best flooring results.

(610) 291-1411