Beautify your home with our marble installation service!

Marble is indeed one of the most beautiful ways to adorn your home. Used for ages, there’s no way to deny that its beauty is beyond comparison. However, how sure are you about the quality of your marble installation? Moreover, how well have you taken care of the marble?

All these factors affect the way it looks. Thus, they also affect the overall aesthetics of your house.

So, here at Escaleras Brothers, we will help you notice some of the common problems with marble and how to tackle them.

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Common Issues with Marble Installation: What to Do?

grout haze1 – Grout Residues

This is a common installation error. Basically, it happens when your contractor didn’t get rid of the excess mortar from the tiles. Once it dries, it leaves some very unsightly grout smears throughout the floor. It’s even worse if you used polished marble.

What to do, then? We can help you by using polishing pads to recover the original shine that you intended in the first place.

2 – Dull Look

Marble is much softer than other stones. For this reason, it’s common that foot traffic takes its toll on the original shine of your marble installation.

Of course, you can avoid this by mopping the floors regularly. However, you need a professional to recover the shine of the marble.

Don’t try to do it yourself with the first cleaning product you find! We’ll see why…

marble tile etched acid

3 – Etching

Etching happens when acidic liquids leave a dull spot in the marble. Thus, it’s the reason why you need to choose your cleaner carefully. Sadly, marble etches quite easily.

Depending on the level of etching, you will need polish the marble or resurface it completely. So, be careful when choosing a bathroom cleaner or if you like the citric smell!

ring stain marble4 – Stains and spills

Your marble installation is not alone in this. In fact, it’s easy to see any kind of stone surface stained. Therefore, if you spill any drinks, oils, or inks, you must clean them immediately. You can use some paper towel or a dry cloth.

Now, be careful if you use marble for your shower. Hair dye can easily stain marble surfaces. That’s why many experts advise using another material that complements the look of marble to use it for the bottom part of bathroom walls or floors.

There you have it. If you want to use marble to improve your home, you need an expert in order to prevent any marble installation errors. Get in touch with Escaleras Brothers Remodeling and make your home look beyond amazing!
